CS Q-LEAP™ - Next step calibration systems

CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with SE-20
CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with SE-20
The CS Q-LEAP™ system is used for vibration calibration of a wide range of sensors including vibration sensors and measurement systems. It is based on the HERO™ vibration controller and the SE-20 high-frequency vibration exciter.

CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with SE-29
CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with SE-29
The CS Q-LEAP™ system is used for vibration calibration of a wide range of sensors including vibration sensors and measurement systems. It is based on the HERO™ vibration controller and the SE-29 high-frequency vibration exciter.

CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with SE-09
CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with SE-09
The CS Q-LEAP™ system is based on the HERO™ vibration controller and the SE-09 high frequency exciter. It allows calibration of a wide range of vibration transducers and vibration calibrators.

CS Q-LEAP™ P-SINE with SE-09
CS Q-LEAP™ P-SINE with SE-09
The CS Q-LEAP™ system is used for primary vibration calibration of a wide range of sensors including vibration sensors and measurement systems. It is based on the HERO™ vibration controller and the SE-09 high-frequency vibration exciter.

CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with SE-13
CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with SE-13
The CS Q-LEAP™ system is based on the HERO™ vibration controller and the SE-13 air-bearing electrodynamic vibration exciter. It is used for seismic simulation and high-accuracy secondary calibration of seismometers and geophones.

CS Q-LEAP™ P-SINE with SE-13
CS Q-LEAP™ P-SINE with SE-13
CS Q-LEAP™ system is based on the HERO™ vibration controller, the laser vibrometer and the SE-13 air-bearing electrodynamic vibration exciter. For primary and secondary calibration at low frequencies, e.g. for seismometers and geophones.

CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with APS 129
CS Q-LEAP™ SINE with APS 129
The CS Q-LEAP™ system is based on the HERO™ vibration controller and the APS 129 air bearing vibration exciter. It allows calibration of heavy seismic sensors (seismometers) as well as geophones.
This section provides an overview of the product group Calibration Solutions, which covers both complete SPEKTRA calibration systems and our calibration services. Here, you will find answers to general questions about the topic Calibrating but also an insight into SPEKTRA specific solutions around the calibration system, the associated exciters as well as help to find the right solution for you. Matching adapters, cables and other accessories, some of them developed in-house, complement our portfolio.
Our range of measurands:
Calibration systems for amplitude-frequency response and displacement (sine) as well as comparison of peak amplitudes (shock).
Devices under test: Accelerometers, Seismic Sensors, Geophones, Vibration Calibrators, Measuring Equipment, Analyzers, Laser-Vibrometer, ...
Calibration Systems for free-field and pressure chamber
Devices under test: Sound Level Meters, Microphones, Acoustical calibrators, Pistonphones, Analyzers, Surface Microphones ...