Calibration Services
The combination of our calibration and test laboratories, as well as the own development and production makes SPEKTRA an interesting cooperation partner for special testing and measuring tasks.
Calibration Systems
Calibration Controller
Sensor-System-Tests for: Laboratory Environments
up to mass production
Modal Excitation of large structures: Bridges,
Buildings, ...
Individual Tasks
Customized Solutions
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Condition monitoring is an important module for safety and efficiency. SPEKTRA provides these products and services for different applications in condition monitoring.
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The protection against harmful effects on humans and their environment caused by noise and vibrations is an acutely important topic. We enable you to implement protection and monitoring measures in compliance with standards.
Precision means safety. For accurate sensor verification for use in crash tests and in the automotive industry, we offer effective complete solutions, diverse exciters and components and a wide range of accessories.
Regular ground vibration tests, structural analyses for condition monitoring and sensor tests in the development phase are typical examples of countless application scenarios for test and measurement technology in the aerospace industry.
Are you an operator of vibration test systems? To ensure that they remain high-performance and ready for use, we offer you coordinated solutions and expert support such as on-site service, accredited calibration services or special product solutions and accessories.
The broad field of sensor and measurement technology is complex. With this short video, we give you a clear introduction to the world of SPEKTRA and explain what the term "TESTelligence" is all about.
»SPEKTRA develops and manufactures complex system components for sensor calibration.
With enthusiasm and global trust.«
Martin Nicklich | General Manager