Sensors Converge 2023

The Sensors Converge is North America’s largest electronics event for design engineers and offers an ideal community to network, share ideas, and define the future roadmap for the sensors industry.

Come visit us at the booth of SPEKTRA Vibration and Shock Calibration Systems #1342 or get inspired by one of the many presentations during the show (conference agenda).

Our product manager Ingolf Leidert will speak to the following topics on June 21st 2023:

  • High-Frequency Testing of MEMS Sensors with translational and rotational vibration excitation up to 2 MHz (2:20 pm)
  • Combined Test and Calibration System for analog and digital sensors (5 pm)


Date: June 20-22, 2023

Location: Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA (US)

Booth: 1342

Website: Sensors Converge

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